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Speech from Managing Director and General Manager at the annual team members party

16 Feb 2023

Dear Team, 

I’m delighted to be with you all tonight celebrating in this new way, which also symbolizes our new culture and way forward. These hard times have proved not just challenging but ultimately one of the biggest successes of our careers. We have survived! We have not only survived but we have thrived. When many other businesses and hotels have closed their doors for good or moved hands, we have not only found our own direction but also pioneered in it. We had the most successful August and month of our hotel ever! In 35 years of operations, we had the largest turnover and profit in a year of unprecedented crisis. We moved ahead with our marketing, our operations, our desires and hopes, and our mission to become the most sustainable hotel on the island and hopefully internationally. We have won awards, been recognized by our partners and tour operators, welcomed new team members and embraced them to our family, honoured our old and even were the first hotel to launch a podcast! 

I want tonight for you all to celebrate yourselves, for being part of this most amazing family, vision and team. To continue striving for excellence and going above and beyond to create unforgettable experiences for yourselves, your lifetime memories and in turn for our guests. 

I’m proud of what we have all done, and I can’t wait to see what we can all do in 2023.

Here’s to radiating kindness. 

Have a great evening and have fun! 

Managing Director Ms. Farah Shammas


Managing Director Ms. Farah Shammas and General Manager Mr. Vassos Kilanis

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